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"The woods were dark, a dreariest night, A vicious beast came, and gave her a fright! It had big snarling teeth, and greyest of eyes Worse was their stench, that drew all the flies!" "We hid in a corner, But I was not scared. I laid out a trap so it would be snared! The others were timid, but I remained tough, Believe when I say, I'm telling no bluff!" "I charged at the monster, to get it to flee, But as I approached, it took a swipe at my knee! See look right here, you can see the deep scratch!" "That wasn't a monster, but an old briar patch!" "You didn't see! You were still in the corner! No telling what would've happened, if I didn't warn her! As a big brother, it's my job to protect, No matter the beast, the wolf or insect!" "I scared it away, and helped sister get home. Now I know why, we should watch where we roam!" This was the tale, my son told to me As he rushed home, soon after his flee. To have the imagination, of this fabled youth, I'm surprised he didn't say, he'd even gotten a tooth. But I will continue, pretending the unwise, Little does he know, It was me in disguise! -solder | |